Specificaton Konstruktionsvollholz (KVH) / Gluelam beams (BSH)

Specification gluelam beams
Kind of timber:
Spruce / Fir / Pine / Douglas Fir / Larche
Timber grades:
DIN 4074 S 10 / S 10 TS, DIN 1052 C 17 / C 24
Laminated glued with planed lamellas; thicknes of the lamellas 45 mm and thinner
Moisture content:
20%, 15% +- 3%
Prime Quality „Sichtqualität (Si) / Auslesequalität“:
Planed; width of splits max. 3 – 4 mm
Basic Quality „Industriequalität“:
Equalized; width of splits not limited
Basically gluelam beams are straight and parallel. However in timber engineering there are different types and shapes ob gluelam beams in use, i.e. shed roof trusses, saddle roof trusses and many more.
Width up to 30 cm, Height up to 230 cm
No limits for engineered gluelam trusses.
Various length possible; only limited by the possibilities of transportation